
Pregnancy and Fertility

5 Benefits of IV Therapy for Mothers and Expectant Mothers

It is common for women to experience mood swings during pregnancy, round ligament pain from the growing belly, and butterflies in the belly when the baby kicks for the first time.

There is also the issue of nausea, which remains nearly constant.

Even nine months into the pregnancy,
morning sickness can cause vomiting and queasiness for the whole day. 

Our staff at Pure IV Texas strives to make you feel as comfortable as possible while you await your baby. That's why we provide safe IV fluids for pregnancy to alleviate morning sickness, boost electrolytes, and help with both
energy and precious sleep.

Our Recommended IV Package

The Myer's Cocktail is our recommended IV package for pregnant women and mothers experiencing morning sickness. A nurse will come to your home or office to administer the intravenous bag for $200. We serve DFW and the surrounding areas.

iv pregnancy Pure IV Texas

How Does IV Therapy Benefit Pregnant Women

Women can benefit from IV therapy in five ways during pregnancy:

  • 1. It Helps to Relieve Morning Sickness.

    Even without morning sickness, pregnancy is already hard on the body. The nausea usually lasts throughout the first trimester, though it may last longer for some women. You can get sick at any time of day or night - it's not always a morning thing.

    The symptoms of morning sickness include persistent nausea and vomiting. Women do not always experience it; some experience mild symptoms, while others experience intense symptoms. 

    Women may suddenly feel nauseous, while others may experience stomach-turning when they smell specific smells. Morning sickness has no specific cause, although hormonal shifts may be a contributing factor. 

    Pregnant women may benefit from an IV drip to combat morning sickness. During vomiting, fluids and vitamins are lost. The infusion can replace these nutrients along with reviving tired moms. 

    If a woman is queasy, she may vomit up the medicine before it begins to work, so an IV may be more effective for reducing nausea than oral medications.

  • 2. Provides Critical Support to Women Suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

    When Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, revealed she had this condition during her three pregnancies, it brought it into the spotlight. 

    This extreme form of morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum. A woman can lose vital electrolytes and weight as a result of vomiting and nausea. Hyperemesis gravidarum can even lead to hospitalization for some women. 

    Treatment with at-home IV therapy for pregnant women can bring welcome relief. An infusion can also contain anti-nausea medication to help calm the queasy feeling along with helping with morning sickness. Pregnant women are often treated with Zofran, which is safe for them.

    Women who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum should seek medical attention immediately. Both mother and baby can suffer serious health complications including malnutrition, neurological issues, renal failure, hypoglycemia, and gastrointestinal damage from vomiting, among others. 

  • 3. Reduces Fatigue.

    Pregnancy makes a woman's body work continuously, as new life takes form inside her womb. When an expectant mom has trouble sleeping or has morning sickness, her energy may be in short supply. 

    A vitamin B12 IV drip provides a welcome boost of energy so women can move forward with their day feeling refreshed.

  • 4. IV Therapy Prevents or Reduces Dehydration.

    During pregnancy, dehydration can be dangerous. Insufficient fluid prevents the body from functioning properly. 

    It's problematic for mothers-to-be, because water is essential for a healthy placenta and amniotic sac. In addition to birth defects, low amniotic fluid, and early labor, chronic dehydration can cause serious health problems. 

    Due to their bodies' dependence on fluids during pregnancy, women should drink even more water than before becoming pregnant. In addition, having morning sickness can make it worse since women lose valuable fluids as a result of vomiting. 

    As the pregnancy progresses, water consumption becomes increasingly important. The extra weight a woman carries in her late second or early third trimester can cause her to overheat. Feeling overheated often indicates dehydration.

    When a woman is not taking in enough water or losing too much water during pregnancy, intravenous fluids are a valuable resource. Saline solutions, combined with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, are used in IV infusions. 

    Dehydration is especially dangerous in women with severe vomiting or hyperemesis gravidarum. Aside from dry mouth, fatigue, headaches, constipation, excessive thirst, dark urine or low urine output, you may also feel faint or dizzy. 

    When a woman loses a significant amount of weight (about 5-10% of her total body weight) during the first trimester and cannot regain it, she will need to be rehydrated to prevent risks to the baby.

  • 5. It Helps Keep Mom and Baby Healthy During Pregnancy.

    Providing nourishing vitamins and minerals is essential to fetal growth. Women with deficiencies in these areas may benefit from intravenous therapy. 

    Additionally, the drip provides rapid absorption of vitamins and minerals since it infuses them directly into the bloodstream. 

An IV therapy recommended for pregnant women -- Myers' Cocktail

An excellent IV solution for pregnant women is the Myers' Cocktail. Boosting energy and rehydrating the body, it contains a powerful blend of vitamins and minerals. There are many benefits to taking it, including helping with morning sickness, fatigue, and dehydration. 

Pure IV Texas customizes Myers' Cocktails specifically for pregnant women. Our Myers Cocktail contains vitamins B12 and C, B Complex vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and glutathione, an antioxidant. We can further customize your IV based on your symptoms. 

As well as restoring energy, the B vitamins support blood cell and nerve health. Magnesium contributes to cardiovascular and circulatory health, while vitamin C enhances the immune system.

In addition to alleviating dehydration's symptoms, including fatigue and nausea, it is also popular for helping ease a variety of medical issues, such as morning sickness.

Considerations Before Choosing IV Therapy During Pregnancy

A doctor must be consulted before you start any IV therapy during pregnancy, though. 

It is sometimes medically necessary to administer an IV. If a woman has severe, persistent vomiting due to hyperemesis gravidarum, she may need fluid replacement. 

Women seeking a vitamin or energy boost during pregnancy may want to consider the potential risks and side effects associated with IV therapy.

Pure IV Texas offers reliable, experienced, and trusted providers to help reduce these risks. 

In general, women should discuss their reasons for considering IV therapy with their doctors. Women can find out whether the benefits outweigh any potential risks with the help of their physician.

How to Choose an IV Therapy Provider

If women are worried about morning sickness, nutritional intake, or energy levels, they may want to explore the possibility of IV therapy helping them. 

Previously, IV therapy was only offered in emergency rooms or clinical settings. Now, IV clinics, mobile providers, and even IV bars and lounges offer the therapy. Since intravenous solutions are widely available, it's imperative to check a provider's track record and ensure they place an emphasis on safety and quality care. 

Look for a reputable mobile IV company that delivers the service to you at your convenience if you're interested in IV therapy during your pregnancy and your doctor has approved it. 

Look for a company that offers IV therapy with medical professionals who have extensive experience administering infusions. As a result, they will know what questions to ask expectant mothers to get a clear picture of their health history during pregnancy. Using this information, the medical professionals can customize an IV that is ideal for mom and baby. 

You're taking care of your body for two now—eating, exercising, sleeping—so why not infuse as well? Call us today with any questions you may have.

Questions and Answers About IV Therapy for Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Fertility

In addition to questions about IV therapy, motherhood comes with many other challenges. Here are a few commonly asked questions about IV therapy and motherhood:

  • Is IV therapy safe for pregnant women?

    Pregnant women often need to change their habits to ensure the health of their unborn children. If you're pregnant, IV therapy is completely safe. With Pure IV Texas, you can relax knowing your treatment will be both safe and comfortable, as the team will come straight to your home.

  • Is IV Therapy Safe While Breastfeeding?

    Additionally, most of our IV packages provide adequate safety when breastfeeding. Nutritional supplements can support your health during breastfeeding, including fluids, vitamins, and minerals. Our pain and nausea medicines can also be discussed to ensure your child's safety.

  • Is There Anything I Can Add to My IV to Boost Fertility?

    Women and men can benefit from a variety of vitamins and minerals. Folic acid (vitamin B9), zinc, and vitamin C are nutrients in our Myer's Cocktail that can enhance fertility. Moreover, a healthy diet can enhance your fertility, and our IVs can keep you healthy.

Make an appointment for an IV in the DFW area

Medics can deliver vital nutrients to pregnant women who require IV therapy. Book a visit online or call us at (833) 688-1299.

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